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Meaning "big land," Daekhon's outer circle is a representation of the Earth. Each of the six pieces within the circle symbolizes the five oceans and six continents, promoting Daekhon's global reputation and reflecting its commitment to global business.



Our mission is what defines our purpose and vision where we are heading toward.
With this mission and vision, we aim to evolve into a sustainable company.


    We contribute to customer value creation and social development as an "Advanced Mechatronics Solution Provider"


    "Global Leading Company" in Advanced Mechatronics

Core Competence

Total System Solution Provider Specialized Engineering Service Deep Industrial Knowledge
We offer a total solution that combines motion, vision, robot, pneumatics, and AI for a wide range of industries. Our experienced engineers specializing in motion control and vision systems provide the best technical service. We provide differentiated and optimal sales solutions based on over 30 years of knowledge accumulated across various industries.

Vision and Philosophy

We create corporate value and contributes to human society by providing the best products and services through creative thinking and constant innovation.